OFA Faculty Promotion Consultation: Pre-meeting Intake Form

Thank you for completing the brief Pre-meeting Intake Form below, and for providing your current Faculty of Medicine CV, which will help us assign, track and shape our conversation with you.  Please note that due to the high volume of requests that we receive, appointments may be scheduled several weeks after the date of your request. All meetings will be held virtually.

Faculty Promotion Consultations are intended for those faculty who have already reviewed our promotion materials on the OFA website and/or have attended a promotion webinar and still have major questions in advance of their potential promotions to Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor ranks. Due to current resource limitations, we cannot provide routine CV consultations to trainees, candidates for instructor, or faculty not being imminently considered for promotion.  For specific questions related to CV formatting, please send to ofa_promotions@hms.harvard.edu

Please also keep in mind that the promotion process must be initiated by departments and the role of the OFA is advisory.  All discussions related to Faculty Promotion Consultations are considered confidential and will not be shared with your department, unless you specifically instruct us otherwise.

For general questions about the promotion process and promotion metrics, please visit:


* = Required Field

Primary Job Location *
Please indicate your primary physical location.
Position/Rank *
Please specify your current academic rank at HMS.
Which of the following OFA resources have you already reviewed prior to seeking this Faculty Promotion consultation? *
Given our limited capacity, we ask that faculty first utilize our online resources and seek additional consultation only if significant questions or concerns remain. Please note that meeting with OFA staff members is not a requirement for promotion at any rank.
Have you previously met with a staff member from the Office for Faculty Affairs at HMS?*

Have you had a recent discussion with your Department Head, Division Chief, or other departmental leader concerning career advancement? *
Which Area of Excellence best describes your recent career achievements? *

Please see Section 6 of the Faculty of Medicine Handbook for more information on choosing an Area of Excellence

Which of the following best describes your reason(s) for scheduling a Faculty Promotion Consultation? (select all that apply) *
Specific questions related to CV formatting can be sent to ofa_promotions@hms.harvard.edu

How did you find out about the OFA Faculty Promotion Consultation service? (select any that apply)

Do you have a preference regarding which HMS OFA staff member you will meet with?
Please note that we will do our best to accommodate your preference, if possible.

Supporting Documentation
Curriculum Vitae: *
Please upload your current Curriculum Vitae in Harvard format using the following filename convention, e.g. smith, john_CV.  Information about the CV guidelines may be found at https://fa.hms.harvard.edu/faculty-medicine-cv-guidelines
Important: A word document (.doc) is preferred to allow for track changes.
Annotated Bibliography (optional)
As a reference, please consult the 10 Most Significant Scholarly Works for Professorial Candidates GUIDE on the Checklists, Forms, Guides and Templates of our website.  Please note the requirements: Assistant: 2, Associate: 5, Full Professor: 10